PC Cases
DISCOVER ELECTRANamed after the third brightest member of the Pleiades cluster, the ELECTRA case exc..
DISCOVER ICARUSSparked by the latest and most distant astronomical objects ever discovered, we proud..
DISCOVER MEISSANamed after the star that marks the head of Orion constellation (the Hunter), the MEI..
DISCOVER MIZARInspired by the Big Dipper’s perhaps most famous star (a quadruple star actually), the..
DISCOVER NAOSIf you draw an imaginary line from Sirius to Wezen and beyond, you will find one of the..
Naos Pro
DISCOVER NAOS PROIf you draw an imaginary line from Sirius to Wezen and beyond, you will find one of..
DISCOVER POLLUXAnd just when you think we overdo it, we somehow overdo ourselves. Taking on the open..
Pollux Alfa
DISCOVER POLLUX ALPHAAnd just when you think we overdo it, we somehow overdo ourselves. Taking on th..
DISCOVER PROOCYONAnd just when you think we overdo it, we somehow overdo ourselves. Taking on the op..